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Coming Soon: Noise Control Master Class

Nelson Acoustics is developing a series of scheduled online training seminars covering important topics in noise control.

The seminars are designed to convey maximum practical knowledge in a short time using math no more advanced than logarithms.

Learn from a respected professional how to quickly figure out what’s going on, what to do about it, and how to confidently promote solutions to others.

Topics covered by various seminars will include:

  1. Fundamentals of Acoustics – Why sound happens, how we measure it, how we describe it, how we perceive it, and why that’s confusing.
  2. Typical Criteria – How much is too much?
  3. Fundamentals of Noise Control – Reducing sound through low-noise design, procurement, source modification, barriers and absorbers, and personal protective equipment.   Setting priorities, assessing progress.
  4. Special Topics in Low-Noise Product Design: Fan Noise
  5. Special Topics in Environmental Noise: Predicting and Assessing Annoyance in the Community

If interested, please contact us.  Let us know what you’re interested in.


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